Aimy-Lee and Arthur Duvillier, the dynamic duo behind Le Petit Chef, are a French couple hailing from the beautiful shores of New Caledonia. Their journey from the azure waters of the Pacific to the golden sands of Australia began a decade ago, marking the inception of their culinary adventure Down Under.
Culinary expertise honing over 14 years in the industry, the couple embarked on a mission to merge their French heritage with their newfound Australian home. Drawing from the rich tapestry of both cultures, they envisioned a culinary sanctuary where patrons could experience the authentic flavours of France amidst the vibrant landscape of the Gold Coast.
Le Petit Chef is more than just a restaurant—it's a celebration of love, passion, and the enduring bond between two cultures.
We promise an unforgettable journey into the heart of French cuisine and culture.
Join us for a taste of France, right here in Australia.
We invite you to embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of French cuisine and culture.
Le Petit Chef invites you to embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of French cuisine and culture. Join us and savor a taste of France, right here in Australia. Bon appétit!